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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

                                                               Monroe ge Sinko (Newtown) and Sargeant Dan Semosky (Oxford Resident Trooper) were present.

Public Comments:
No individuals from the public attended the meeting

Special Meeting Topic & Discussion:  The special meeting was for discussion on handling marine patrols as related to the anticipated shortfall in funding from several member towns of the fiscal year 20112 budget request.

Newtown and Oxford have indicated that they will fully fund the budget request of $32,438.  Our understanding is that Monroe will fund at $25,000 and that Southbury will fund at last year’s amount, $25,405.

Bob Barnes read the only written response to the LZA letter that had been sent to the member town selectmen and heads of law enforcement.  In summary, Newtown Chief Kehoe indicated that the wage rates for police officers are established by the collective bargaining agreements.  Bob Mouchantat clarified that the intent of the LZA was for the towns to bill the LZA a discounted rate since billing rates have been higher than the actual rates paid to the officers.  It was not to pay the police officers less than the rate they are entitled to by union contract.

There was discussion as to options on reducing the budget.  It was confirmed that the harvester would not be used this summer or in FY2012 which is estimated to save $8K to $9K.  It was confirmed that the budgeted amounts for weed treatment should not be reduced as the weed treatment is essential.  The largest expenditure area, marine safety patrols was the focus of the rest of the discussion.

Establishing a hybrid approach, which would be use of DEP trained lake patrol officers anytime a second patrol boat was scheduled, was determined not to have enough estimated savings to warrant doing it – the estimated net savings after insurance cost increases would be approximately $3K.  This would be far short of the savings objective.

Pat Llodra confirmed that Newtown was fully funding the budget request and encouraged the commissioners from the other towns (Monroe/Southbury) to push hard to convince their towns to do the same.  She recognized that the job is difficult and conveyed that her opinion is that the health of the lake and the safety on the lake are essential in preserving the use of this natural resource that is a part of all four member towns and that residents of the four towns can enjoy full use of.

Discussion on the marine safety patrol continued and narrowed down to evaluation of three options: 1) eliminate use of the 2nd patrol boat; 2) replace member town police officers with DEP trained lake patrol officers; 3) reduce other budget areas to continue use of member town police officers.

This resulted in two motions:

A motion was made by Bob Barnes (seconded by Tony D’Angelo) to dry dock the 2nd patrol boat and operate the marine patrol with 1 patrol boat using member town police officers.  After discussion, the motion was defeated 6-2 (In favor: Moss, Kusinski --- Opposed: Isleib, Mouchantat, Lintzner, Hoesten, Downs, D’Angelo)

A motion was made by Bob Mouchantat (seconded by Jerry Isleib) to continue to use member town police officers on both patrol boats and to address shortfall in funding via reduction in other budget areas.  The areas included $8000 from not using the weed harvester, $5000 from estimated reduction in the billable rate for Newtown and Oxford officers (Monroe and Southbury will be approached for similar savings) and other savings such as elimination of the office and reduction in funding reserve accounts for future equipment and weed abatement.  After discussion, the motion was approved 6-2 (In favor: Isleib, Mouchantat, Lintzner, Hoesten, Downs, D’Angelo  --- Opposed: Moss, Kusinski)

Bob Mouchantat will confirm the calculations and issue a revised spending plan/budget at the LZA regular meeting on May 3rd that is based on the expected funding from the towns and the above motion that was approved.

Dan Semosky was given the 2011 safety patrol scheduling guidelines and asked to produce a dated master copy of the town coverage schedule to ensure there is no confusion as to when coverage is planned and which member town is assigned for that coverage.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made and unanimously approved.